
19 responses to “Deviation”

  1. Beautiful photos, Allan. There is so much to see and admire, even on a cold and wet day.

    I agree about some of the dog owners. The behaviour is sometimes very poor (the humans’ behaviour; the dogs are just doing what dogs do). Dogs off-leash or on leads so long they might as well be, poop left behind and owners not paying attention. Yikes. I had dogs of all sizes for many years, and I always attended obedience classes with them. There’s really no excuse. I felt totally embarrassed if one of my dogs made someone else feel scared or uncomfortable in a park or on a trail or sidewalk.

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    1. You sound like you really cared for and about the dogs who shared your world Lynette. I think that is the best approach. I used to fear walking Benji down the sidewalk because he reacted to other dogs. Now that he & I have had some training, he may still react, but I react differently. Thanks for sharing. Allan

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  2. I never tire of rainforest photos. It’s so lush and green and full of life! The dog thing endlessly irritates me as well. We have so many poorly behaved dogs here running all over the place without a care in the world from their owners. It’s frustrating.

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  3. Glad you enjoyed this post Diana. we love the rainforest walks and once we get back home, our trees seem so small and boring. As to dogs, I think in a lot of cases, it is the owner that needs more training. Dogs have a certain mindset and if they feel the owner is not keeping them safe, they will step in to protect the owner. Happy Thursday. Allan


  4. Some interesting finds on your walk, Allan. Thanks for sharing.

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    1. It is amazing what you can see when you slow down enough to look. Happy Thursday Sue. Allan

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  5. The trees are amazing! I love them. Thank you for sharing your experiences with us, Allan. Happy Thursday!🌺

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    1. So glad you enjoyed this post Kymber. This park has quickly become on of our favourites. As a matter of fact we walked there just this past Tuesday. Have a good evening. Allan

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  6. Thank you, Allan, for another of your wonderful and inspiring posts! No words can describe the positive influence of the nature and waking in the forest in particular but you have achieve this so well with your detailed photography and your last paragraph’s thoughts! The trees emit a special substance that is beneficial to us, a tree oil, and apart from the oxygen, the greenery of the forest will be making impact on our mind. Just looking at your photos, Allan, makes me feeling good too! Thank you!

    There are no bad dogs, just bad owners!


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    1. We are great proponents of shinrin-yoku (forest bathing) as espoused by the Japanese culture. It is good to see things created in nature and wonder how they came to be. We walk for exercise, but the journey is more important than the destination. We set no speed records, but that is a good thing. Thanks for your kind words Joanna. As to the dogs, I do agree. Good dog trainers teach the humans how to let dogs be dogs. Thanks for reading. Allan


      1. Yes, I know about forest bathing and how beneficial it is to us from personal experience. Your lifestyle can be admired and copied when possible, Allan!


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  7. The pictures are wonderful. I can easily see why this walk was restorativem

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Restorative in mind and body. It was so nice to be in a place with a moist climate. Thanks for reading Pat. Have a great evening. Allan

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  8. Wishing you the same.

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  9. There is nothing better than walking in the woods and getting the blood flowing, along with listening to the sounds of nature and experiencing the colours of the trees. Thanks for sharing, and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

    Liked by 1 person

    1. We are so lucky to have walked this forest in all seasons. It does heal the body and soul. Happy Friday Aiva. Allan

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  10. Sounds like this was the ultimate test for Benji with all those other dogs around! Love all those tall trees, ferns, moss and mushrooms.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It tested us as well. There were a lot of unleashed dogs running around in places were leashes were required. I, myself would not want to risk the liability. This regional park is a good destination for a walk. Happy Friday Linda. Allan


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